It should be said right away that any alcohol, no matter the dosage, is unhealthy. Nevertheless, vodka has become a cult drink. She quickly joined the people's mindset, so any holiday will accompany her to drink. Without hot water, is it good or bad for incomplete holiday celebrations? Everyone decides for themselves.
But one thing can be said with confidence that if you plan a large-scale event, it is worth knowing the amount of alcohol, that is, the daily dose. From this amount, it will definitely not be bad the next morning. How much vodka do you drink every day without harming your health? Let's take a look at this problem.
What affects the daily dose
I want to say right away, there is no single dose (universal). For each person, it is calculated separately and directly depends on the person's gender, weight, age, health status, and heredity. Let us consider each factor separately.
Human gender
Despite the many similarities, there are still many differences between the female and male bodies. Regardless of gender, many vulnerable women prefer to drink strong alcohol with barbaric men. Forget that their dosages should be completely different. If you give it to a man and a girl with the same weight, age, and health, the dose will still be almost twice as different, which is good for men.
Body weight
Comparing a frail man with a weight of 60 kg and a healthy uncle who has already weighed more than 100 kg, it is no wonder that the second one will drink more. Here is the weight, the bigger the person, the more he can drink.
Human age
Many people have heard the popular saying that youth will forgive everything. When you are young and strong, you can hardly sleep, eat poorly, and drink a lot of alcohol. But youth is not equal to the power of health. It has long been proved that the young body is weak. Although young people are indeed energetic, their resistance to alcohol is far less than that of the elderly. Facts have proved that 30-35 years old can drink the largest amount of vodka.
Health status
Everything is clear here. If a person is in poor physical condition, such as heart, intestines, kidney, liver or other organ diseases, then he will not be able to drink as much as a healthy opponent who drinks vodka. For patients, a priori, there is no concept of a safe dose of alcohol because it is contraindicated for them. If something bothers you, then you should give up strong alcoholic beverages.
Genetic predisposition
The last decisive factor is heredity. Some people still wake up as much as they drink. They are born purely for the sake of drinking. Without hangover syndrome, vodka itself hardly harms the body. But some people have weak genes and cannot drink alcoholic beverages. It pays to look at your parents and consider your own inheritance.
What is the daily dose?
One of the most authoritative organizations is WHO (World Health Organization). According to experts from the company, men can drink no more than 28 servings per week, or about 4 servings per day, which is equivalent to 800 grams of vodka. A solid number, isn't it?
But the representative of the beautiful half of humanity should reduce the daily dose by 8 times-no more than 100 grams per day. How true these data are can only be guessed, but they say the WHO knows its business. For example, some doctors believe that women should drink half of the vodka that men drink every day. Others say that drinking alcohol is usually not advisable. But the decision is still left to those who like to use it during holidays or similar situations.